
GMB viewers break down in tears as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid remember healthcare heroes who died from - The Sun

GOOD Morning Britain viewers broke down in tears today as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid remembered the healthcare heroes who have died from coronavirus.

The presenters read out the names and roles of the 105 frontline workers in front of a screen containing their photographs.

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 GMB viewers broke down in tears today as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid remembered the healthcare heroes who have died from coronavirus
GMB viewers broke down in tears today as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid remembered the healthcare heroes who have died from coronavirusCredit: ITV

Afterwards, a solemn Piers said: "We owe them a huge debt of gratitude."

Viewers were moved by the touching gesture, with one writing: "In tears hearing all the names of the keywords lost to #Covid19 Broken heart."

Another said: "@piersmorgan @susannareid100 That was heartbreaking.. Red heartso why are streets & roads getting busier #gmb."

A third shared: "Hearing these names spoken is absolutely heartbreaking. 105 people who gave their lives looking after others #GMB."

While a fourth posted: "Nice touch @GMB reading out all the names of the health care workers who have died to #COVID19."

 The presenters read out the names and roles of the 105 frontline workers in front of a screen containing their photographs
The presenters read out the names and roles of the 105 frontline workers in front of a screen containing their photographsCredit: ITV

Dr Hilary Jones said he felt "emotional and humbled" after hearing the names read aloud.

While Piers added that it showed just how multicultural the health service is.

The workers' roles were varied, with nurses, midwives, A&E consultants, surgeons, porters and receptionists among those who have tragically died.

Many of their families have blamed a lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said earlier this month: "They should be assured we are doing everything we can correct this issue, and to get them the equipment that they need."

"Supply in some areas, particularly gowns and certain types of masks and aprons, is in short supply at the moment, and that must be an extremely anxious time for people working on the front line, but they should be assured that we are doing everything we can to correct this issue, and to get them the equipment that they need."

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He added: "My assessment is that most trusts will be out of stock after the weekend on current consumption."

It has been reported that a "sustainable" level of gowns will not be reached until mid-June.

The Royal College of Nursing said half of nursing staff, including those in the most high-risk environments, have felt pressured into working without proper PPE.

They have been reusing kit, are short of alcohol rub and wearing eye protection they have bought or made at home.


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April 29, 2020 at 04:59PM

GMB viewers break down in tears as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid remember healthcare heroes who died from - The Sun
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