
JULIE BINDEL: Like JK Rowling, I was trolled just for daring to speak my mind on trans issues - Daily Mail

JULIE BINDEL: Like JK Rowling, I was trolled just for daring to speak my mind on trans issues

JK Rowling tweeted her support for Maya Forstater, a hitherto anonymous tax expert

JK Rowling tweeted her support for Maya Forstater, a hitherto anonymous tax expert

JK Rowling has landed in hot water, and it’s nothing to do with a Harry Potter plot. When the world-famous author, who has more than 14million Twitter followers, dared to tweet her support for Maya Forstater, a hitherto anonymous tax expert, she found herself scalded in seconds.

As I know all too well, the temperature on trans issues has a habit of reaching boiling point almost immediately, and is one in which very few people are brave enough to dip their toe.

I say brave because what JK has now discovered is that no amount of money or fame can protect you from the vitriol that comes with this debate.

She was immediately labelled a TERF (a slur, meaning a trans exclusionary radical feminist) and worse.

Welcome to my world. I was one of the very first feminists to speak out against extreme transgender ideology, in an opinion piece back in 2004.

It was written in response to a story in Canada, where a male to female transsexual had demanded to be trained as a rape crisis counsellor at a charity.

When this person was told, respectfully, that would not be appropriate, because the women seeking support after sexual assault would feel uncomfortable being counselled by a biological male, the charity was forced to endure a lengthy legal battle – which they eventually won. I wonder if they’d be so fortunate today.

I faced horrendous abuse from trans activists. I had death and rape threats. I was harassed and hounded in public, labelled a Nazi, a bigot, and accused of causing the suicide of young transgender people.

The ‘trans Taliban’, as I came to call them, would try to get events shut down at which I had been invited to speak about topics such as rape, child abuse or trafficking of women.

Angry crowds would turn up, waving their placards, demanding that I be thrown out because I, like Maya, believe that being born male or female is what makes someone a man or a woman.

It was hell and until five or six years ago, in the UK at least, I was almost completely alone. Whilst I would receive countless private messages from people telling me ‘I agree with you completely, but I dare not speak out because of what would happen to me’, I had to weather the storm in isolation. I began to get angry at those people that would tell me they were too scared to speak out, because they were perfectly happy for me to do it on their behalf.

I knew that what was behind the extreme transgender ideology was pure sexism and misogyny. So-called progressive men had been waiting a long time to be able to hurl insults at feminists such as myself and still be seen as on ‘the right side of history’.

But gradually, brave women such as Maya Forstater began to see that, despite the capitulation from the majority of liberals, this issue was only going to get worse.

It culminated in the male-bodied transsexual prisoner Karen White, being transferred to a female jail, where fellow prisoners were sexually assaulted. Feminists began to realise that if we did not join forces and resist this ideology, women would lose every single sex right we had fought for. Our refuges, changing rooms, hospital wards, and other single-sex services would be lost, because biological men only had to claim to be women for them to be able to use them.

We had to join forces to protect the female gender, which was seriously under threat.

What many people don’t appreciate is that one of the deeply tragic consequences of such widespread fear and capitulation to the extreme transgender ideology is that it has left those trans people who simply wish to live their lives, out in the cold.

The bullies do not speak for the majority of transgender people. They do not want to be held up as human shields by extremists. Of course they should be protected from prejudice, bullying and harm, but they don’t want to be tarred with the same dictatorial, rabble-rousing brush.

But this is what we will come to if we do not speak out against outrageous decisions such as the Maya Forstater case. Women should have the right to voice their opinions without fear of losing their jobs, their livelihood, or their sanity. That is what we fought for, as women, and what we must continue to fight for.

Julie Bindel is a feminist writer and author of Straight Expectations: What Does it Mean To Be Gay Today?

Is it a ‘protected belief’ to argue you can never change your sex?

The landmark tribunal case which sparked the row centred on whether Maya Forstater’s views on sex and gender are ‘protected beliefs’.

The researcher had lost her job at a think-tank after personal tweets saying she believes a person cannot change their sex.

A protected or philosophical belief under the 2010 Equality Act must satisfy a number of criteria, including attaining ‘a certain level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance’ and being ‘worthy of respect in a democratic society’.

It must also pass the ‘Grainger test’ from a 2010 case where an employee made redundant by landlord firm Grainger successfully argued he had been unfairly targeted over his beliefs on climate change.

Miss Forstater’s barrister Anya Palmer told the employment tribunal it was a matter of urgency to have a legal ruling on whether the views were entitled to protection.

‘People are losing their jobs... up and down the country for expressing these beliefs,’ she added.

But the judge ruled Miss Forstater ‘is absolutist in her view of sex’, adding that ‘the view held by the claimant fails the Grainger criteria’.

JK Rowling engulfed by trans storm: Harry Potter writer backs woman who lost tribunal after saying people can't change sex – and web hate mob erupts

By David Barrett Home Affairs Correspondent for The Daily Mail 

JK Rowling faced the biggest backlash of her career yesterday after she criticised the trans rights lobby.

The author tweeted her incredulity at a court ruling seen as a defeat for feminists who have questioned transgender issues.

She had spoken out to support Maya Forstater, who was told by a judge her view that transgender people cannot change their sex was ‘not worthy of respect’. The Harry Potter author was immediately hit with a tirade of abuse from hardline trans campaigners. They labelled her a ‘bigot’ and a ‘transphobe’ and even claimed she was ‘in favour of hate speech’.

Others posted comments telling her to ‘Shut the f*** up, TERF’, a reference to the phrase ‘trans exclusionary radical feminist’ which is used in a derogatory way by some trans campaigners.

Miss Rowling also attracted hundreds of supportive comments and her tweet had been ‘liked’ 95,000 times by last night.

Miss Forstater, 45, lost her job as a tax expert at think-tank the Centre for Global Development in March after colleagues complained over remarks on her Twitter account questioning government plans to let people declare their own gender.

Maya Forstater, 45, pictured outside the Central London Employment Tribunal

Maya Forstater, 45, pictured outside the Central London Employment Tribunal

At an employment tribunal, judge James Tayler said her views that there are only two biological sexes and it is not possible to change between them were ‘likely to be profoundly distressing’ to trans people and ‘may be unlawful harassment’.

In response, Miss Rowling tweeted: ‘Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. 

Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?’

It was the first time Miss Rowling had overtly stated her support for feminists who do not recognise trans women as genuinely female. 

The tweet will prompt speculation the author, who is worth more than £750million, might donate money to Miss Forstater’s legal fighting fund.

Miss Forstater had brought a case to the central London tribunal, claiming she had suffered discrimination for her beliefs and due to her sex.

In her witness statement she said: ‘I believe that being male or female is an immutable biological fact, not a feeling or an identity.

‘I believe that a person’s sex should not be conflated with the idea of “gender”, “gender identities” or “gender expression”.’

Her legal team had argued her views were a ‘philosophical belief’ protected under the 2010 Equality Act, under which it is illegal to discriminate against employees over such beliefs.

But Judge Tayler said Miss Forstater’s views were ‘not worthy of respect in a democratic society’. 

‘She will not accept in any circumstances that a trans woman is in reality a woman or that a trans man is a man,’ the judge added.

He also ruled against the arguments by her legal team, concluding: ‘The view held by the claimant... does not have the protected characteristic of philosophical belief.’

The post from JK Rowling in which she tweeted her support for Maya Forstater, writing '#IStandWithMaya'

The post from JK Rowling in which she tweeted her support for Maya Forstater, writing '#IStandWithMaya'

In response Miss Forstater said in a statement: ‘I struggle to express the shock and disbelief I feel at reading this judgment, which I think will be shared by the vast majority of people who are familiar with my case.

‘My belief as I set out in my witness statement is that sex is a biological fact, and is immutable.

‘This judgment removes women’s rights and the right to freedom of belief and speech.

‘I will consider the judgment closely with my legal team to determine what can be done to challenge it.’

Miss Forstater worked for the CGD under a number of consultant roles from 2015 until 2018. In 2016 she was invited to become a visiting fellow of the think-tank, which is based in London and Washington DC.

Her solicitor Peter Daly, of Slater and Gordon, said: ‘The significance of this judgment should not be downplayed. Had our client been successful, she would have established in law protection for people, on any side of this debate, to express their beliefs without fear of being discriminated against.’ A full hearing on her discrimination claim is due next year.

Kate Harris, co-founder of the LGB Alliance which is calling for a debate on trans issues, said: ‘JK Rowling’s decision to intervene is earth-shattering. I’m very pleased she has spoken out because she will be listened to. This could be a turning point.’

A Stonewall spokesman said: ‘This case was about the importance of dignity and respect in the workplace. Trans people are facing huge levels of abuse and discrimination with one in eight having been attacked while at work in the last year.’

TV presenter Jameela Jamil accused Miss Rowling of contributing to the ‘erasure, abuse and suffering’ of trans people, and pleaded with her to instead ‘wield your immense power to protect those most at risk’.

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December 20, 2019 at 06:14AM

JULIE BINDEL: Like JK Rowling, I was trolled just for daring to speak my mind on trans issues - Daily Mail
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