
Coronavirus: Prince Charles ends self-isolation after contracting COVID-19 - Sky News

It has been confirmed that the Prince of Wales is out of isolation after contracting coronavirus.

A short statement said: "Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, the Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation."

Prince Charles avoids handshakes at London awards show
Prince Charles avoids handshakes at London awards show

The royal has spent seven days by himself, in line with the standard government and medical guidelines.

Last Wednesday, Clarence House revealed that Prince Charles had tested positive for COVID-19 after feeling unwell over the weekend.

He was tested last Monday with the results coming back the next day confirming he had the virus.

At the time, the palace said both the prince and the Duchess of Cornwall would be self-isolating at Birkhall, their home in Scotland, which they had travelled to at the weekend.

They said the prince was continuing to work at his desk and had only mild symptoms.

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It is not clear where he caught the virus, after he attended a large number of meetings and engagements in early March.

On Thursday night, Clarence House posted videos on its Instagram account of Charles and Camilla clapping separately for #ClapForOurNHS - a national campaign honouring the work of medical staff.

Charles and Camilla joined the nation in the round of applause to thank NHS workers. Pic: Instagram
Image: Charles and Camilla joined in the round of applause to thank NHS workers. Pic: Instagram

It is understood the prince is now in good health and is living and working under the current government advice that those over 70 should stay indoors.

He will continue to have meetings, but these will take place over the phone or through video conferencing and he will only carry out exercise within the current self-distancing guidelines.

The Duchess of Cornwall is still in self-isolation and will be until the end of the week, in line with the current medical advice to self-isolate for 14 days if someone in your home has the virus.

She has not developed any symptoms.

Last week, Buckingham Palace said the Queen remained in good health and is following all the appropriate advice with regards to her welfare, but they would not confirm if she has been tested for the virus or not.

Over the weekend, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge gave their backing to a new push to support the public's mental health during the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "by pulling together and taking small steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead".

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The government and Public Health England have published new online guidance and given leading mental health charities £5m to expand support services.

It comes in recognition of the unprecedented challenges that the pandemic, and long periods of isolation, pose for the nation's mental health.

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March 30, 2020 at 09:11PM

Coronavirus: Prince Charles ends self-isolation after contracting COVID-19 - Sky News
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