
Coronavirus: William and Kate urge public to look after mental health during outbreak - Sky News

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are backing extra support for mental health during the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "by pulling together and taking simple steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead".

The government and Public Health England (PHE) are publishing new online guidance and allocating £5m for mental health charities to expand support services.

It comes in recognition of the unprecedented challenges that the coronavirus and long periods of isolation pose for the nation's mental health.

William and Kate, who see mental health as a cornerstone of their official work, said: "The last few weeks have been anxious and unsettling for everyone. We have to take time to support each other and find ways to look after our mental health.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who have lent their support to a Public Health England initiative to boost the nation's mental health during the coronavirus pandemic
Image: William and Kate want to boost the nation's mental health during the coronavirus pandemic

"It is great to see the mental health sector working together with the NHS to help people keep on top of their mental wellbeing. By pulling together and taking simple steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead."

Last year the couple helped to launch PHE's mental health platform Every Mind Matters. Now the website has been updated with advice on maintaining mental wellbeing during the outbreak.

People can also complete a 'mind plan', a free tool that has already been completed more than 1.8 million times.

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There will be tips on how to keep yourself mentally healthy, such as keeping contact with friends and family via telephone and video calls, or social media, keeping a regular routine and sleeping pattern; and focusing on a hobby or learning something new.

The site will also include advice for parents and carers on how to support children and young people during this stressful time, as well steps that those living with serious mental health problems can take to get support from local mental health teams.

Minister for mental health, Nadine Dorries, who contracted the virus, said: "When I discovered I had coronavirus, I felt anxious and scared. For those who already suffer with anxiety or other mental health issues this may present new and difficult challenges.

Embargoed to 0001 Sunday March 29. Photo of Duke of Cambridge who has lent support to a Public Health England initiative to boost the nation's mental health during the coronavirus pandemic
Image: The duke and duchess have been engaged with the mental health sector since the outbreak began

"It's imperative that we stay home if we are to beat coronavirus and save lives. I know how important it is that people have support to look after their mental health and this guidance will be of huge value."

The £5m grant will be administered by the charity Mind and used to fund additional services for people struggling with their mental wellbeing during this time. This could include telephone and online support services for the most isolated and vulnerable.

Photos of the duke and duchess speaking to mental health charities on the phone at Kensington Palace on 18 and 19 March have been released.

The couple have been engaged with the mental health sector since the start of the coronavirus crisis to hear about the issues it is facing.

Last week it was confirmed that Prince Charles had tested positive for coronavirus, but his symptoms were said to be mild.

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March 29, 2020 at 08:15AM

Coronavirus: William and Kate urge public to look after mental health during outbreak - Sky News
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