
Royal Heartbreak: Meghan Markle and Harry bow out with poignant coronavirus update - Express

Meghan Markle and Harry have vowed to work out how they can "best contribute" to tackling the global pandemic. Harry and Meghan have officially moved to the United States with baby son Archie and as of today will no longer be working members of the Royal Family.

The couple still had another day to go but decided to sign off from their life as working royals early in their latest Instagram post.

Their final post to their Sussex Royal Instagram account, which will now remain inactive along with their website, paid tribute to victims of the respiratory disease.

The duke and duchess said: "As we can all feel, the world at this moment seems extraordinarily fragile.

"Yet we are confident that every human being has the potential and opportunity to make a difference - as seen now across the globe, in our families, our communities and those on the front line - together we can lift each other up to realise the fullness of that promise.

Harry and Meghan

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have bowed out from their royal duties with a heartbreaking message (Image: GETTY)

Harry and Meghan

Meghan Markle and Harry have vowed to work out how they can "best contribute" to tackling the global pandemic (Image: GETTY)

"What's most important right now is the health and wellbeing of everyone across the globe and finding solutions for the many issues that have presented themselves as a result of this pandemic.

"As we all find the part we are to play in this global shift and changing of habits, we are focusing this new chapter to understand how we can best contribute."

However, the Sussexes risk becoming "pretty irrelevant" to the nation as they step down, letting others take the lead in helping the world through the crisis.

This is according to royal author Penny Junor.

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Harry and Meghan

Harry and Meghan decided to sign off from their life as working royals early in their latest Instagram post (Image: GETTY)

The author noted that it will be the Queen and other senior royals who will be attempting to lead the nation through the coronavirus crisis.

She said: "It's a great morale boost to have words from the Queen or words from William and to watch his children clapping the NHS workers.

"It's important."

Ms Junor went on to say: "All of this is absolutely what the family is about and those members of the Royal Family that are on a limb now are pretty irrelevant."


Meghan Markle

Harry and Meghan are no longer senior members of the royal family as of today (Image: GETTY)

Royal Family

One Royal author claims the Sussexes will become irrelevant as other royals help the country through crisis (Image: GETTY)

Moreover, it appears the Covid-19 outbreak has prompted the couple to postpone announcing the new name of their Sussex Royal brand.

This comes after the Queen and her senior officials were said to have ordered them to drop the use of the word "royal" because it could have led to accusations they were cashing in on their family status.

A spokeswoman for the couple said the Instagram post marked their transition on Tuesday from working members of the royal family to financial independence which will see them no longer use their HRH styles.

She said: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would prefer that in the immediate weeks and months, the focus remains on the global response to Covid-19."

Royal Family tree

Royal Family tree (Image: EXPRESS)

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will spend the next few months focusing on their family and continuing to do what they can, safely and privately, to support and work with their pre-existing charitable commitments while developing their future non-profit organisation."

Meanwhile, the couple have enlisted a team of former SAS soldiers to keep their family safe in their new LA home, it has been claimed.

The couple have reportedly chosen from a shortlist of two firms whose staff have guarded a whole host of superstars.

A source told The Sun: “It doesn’t come cheap — in the region of £400 per operative per day, which will quickly add up with a team on hand around the clock.

Harry and Meghan

It appears the Covid-19 outbreak has prompted the couple to postpone announcing the new name of their Sussex Royal brand (Image: GETTY)

“The overall bill will be many tens of thousands of pounds, but Harry and Meghan are huge celebrities, at least on par with the biggest A-listers in the world.

“One of the guys they met had been in charge of security for Brad and Angelina while they were married and kept their family totally safe for several years.

“The other company had represented Madonna and the Ecclestone family.

“How many guards they have with them will depend whether they are at home, travelling or out in public.”

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March 31, 2020 at 09:02AM

Royal Heartbreak: Meghan Markle and Harry bow out with poignant coronavirus update - Express
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