
Royal snub: How Prince Harry 'overruled Meghan Markle's drinks reception wish' - Express

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry returned from their tour of southern Africa on October 2. However, the warm reception the royal couple received on their visit was overshadowed somewhat by the controversy that quickly developed as they returned to the UK. On October 1, Harry released a blistering press statement as he pursued legal action against media reporting of a private letter from the Duchess’ father Thomas Markle. 

Added to this, royal experts claim the Duke of Sussex was not happy with the media and “not enjoying himself” during the African tour, and refused to have a press drinks event that Meghan wanted to host. 

Podcast Pod Save the Queen is hosted by Ann Gripper and features Daily Mirror royal editor Russell Myers, alongside Daily Express royal correspondent Richard Palmer, who was with Kate and William on their recent royal tour of Pakistan.

Ms Gripper asked: “Who are the best ones to go away with, who are your favourites?”

Mr Palmer: “I really like Charles and Camilla, Camilla is so lovely.”

He went on: “I used to love going away with Prince Harry.

“He always had a bit of banter and I just wish we could get back to that.

“I wasn’t in Africa, but people who were there, are saying the atmosphere was dripping with poison."

Mr Myers added: “From the get-go, as well.

READ MORE: Expert reveals how Harry and Meghan could leave Royal Family

“I find this very bizarre.”

Mr Palmer added: “I think it’s important to say, it’s not about us as journalists, really.

“The fact is, senior people at the Palace still think that the majority of people are going to get their news about the Royal Family from the mainstream media for many, many years to come.

“Not all from Instagram. 

“It isn’t going to connect them to the people who are paying for them.

“That’s why I think it is important for them to still engage with the media.”

The Duke and Duchess’ press relationship has been under particular scrutiny in recent weeks.

Harry and Meghan chose ITV’s Tom Bradby to make a documentary about their African tour, titled ‘Harry & Meghan: An African Journey’, which aired on October 20.

However, reception to the programme was mixed, as the Duke and Duchess both gave emotional interviews about their private struggles with being in the spotlight.

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October 31, 2019 at 04:01PM

Royal snub: How Prince Harry 'overruled Meghan Markle's drinks reception wish' - Express
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